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Practices To Avoid When Caring For Your Vehicle's Wheels

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If you purchase a new set of wheels for your vehicle, chances are you will soon be enjoying your machine's smooth ride and improved appearance. It is important to take the time in caring for wheels properly so their structure remains intact and they stay aesthetically pleasing. Here are some of the mistakes vehicle owners make when doing maintenance on their wheels, so you do not to follow the same procedures.

Do Not Use Steel Wool To Scrub Metal

When you clean down your vehicle's wheels, it is important to use the right cleaning supplies to avoid damaging metal. Some people believe that scrubbing steel or alloy wheels with a steel wool pad will effectively remove grime and shine them up in the process. While this practice may initially give your wheels a shiny appearance, using an abrasive cleaning pad can cause pitting or scratches in the wheels over time. Instead, use a piece of microfiber cloth with a cleanser made especially for the medium your wheels are constructed from. Make sure to rinse it well after your cleaning process.

Say No To Commercial Car Wash Establishments

If you want to improve the appearance of your vehicle, you probably wash it often. While going to a car wash is a great way to save money in cleaning supplies and time in collecting them to do the cleaning task, it is best to do your washing at home. Chemicals used in car wash soap sprayers and automatic car wash machines may not be the best choice when cleaning your wheels. Since you will not know what type of cleanser is used in these establishments, don't take the chance in putting your wheels at risk simply because a car wash is convenient.

Avoid Using One Set Of Wheels Year-Round

If you live in an area of the country where snow and ice are bound to accumulate in the wintertime, investing a second set of wheels for your vehicle may be beneficial in saving your new ones from premature wear. Salt and chemical agents placed upon roadways when slick conditions are present will eat away at metal quickly. It is important to rinse your wheels as soon as you get home to avoid this wear if you head out on the road during inclement weather. Since snow can hide pot holes and obstructions in the road, your vehicle's tires are also at risk for being jostled around a bit more than in warmer weather. Purchasing another set of wheels with snow tires is a great investment for your safety as well as the condition of your vehicle. 

For more information, contact local professionals like Extreme Wheels.
