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Appliances Used To Keep Food Cool In A Semi Sleeper Cab

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When you are spending time out on the road in a sleeper cab, you don't need to have a way to keep food and beverages cool, but it helps. There are many options for keeping food cool including thermoelectric coolers, compact refrigerators and cooler chests. Which option will work best for you will depend on the design of your truck and the type of driving you have to do. 

Thermoelectric Coolers

A thermoelectric cooler is not a true refrigerator. Instead, it is a device designed to cool its interior to 40˚ degrees below the surrounding temperature. Thus, if you have to drive in the South where temperatures can reach over 110˚, the food inside will only be cooled to around 70˚. While this might be fine for non-perishable items, any meat or dairy products in your cooler will spoil. Thus, thermoelectric coolers are best for drivers who don't have to cope with high temperatures while they are trucking, or for drivers who don't plan to store perishable items in their truck. 


If you decide that you want a cooling unit that will maintain a consistent temperature inside, then a refrigerator is the way to go. Refrigerators offer luxuries that you won't find with a thermoelectric cooler, but you will need to provide constant electricity to the unit. This means that you need a battery bank large enough to provide power while your truck is turned off, or you will need to be able to park your truck in areas that allow idling. A third option is installing an alternate power unit, but this is not always an option for those who drive company trucks. 

Cooler Chest

Some drivers may enjoy the simplicity of a cooler chest. As long as you are able to stop for ice whenever the ice in your cooler runs out, a cooler frees you from concerns about providing electricity to your cooler. You also do not have to worry about equipment failure, or the cost of replacing food that spoiled when your equipment failed. 

When you have to spend days or weeks at a time on the road, you will need a sleeper cabin that can function like a small apartment. Finding a way to keep food items cool is a huge consideration when outfitting your cabin. While a cooler chest might not give off the air of luxury that an electric cooling unit will give off, sometimes simple solutions are the best. 

Now that you know how to keep your food cool in a sleeper cab, check out semi truck sales near you to find the truck that best suits your needs.
